Bryony Gordon’s award-winning Mad World podcast returns for a second series with president of Mind charity, Stephen Fry

7 February 2018

The award-winning Telegraph podcast Bryony Gordon’s Mad World which explores mental health and wellbeing, returns for a second series today with comedian, actor, writer, presenter and mental health campaigner Stephen Fry as the first guest.

In 2017, Bryony Gordon secured a major scoop for the launch episode of Mad World with a landmark interview with HRH Prince Harry. He spoke candidly about his process of coming to terms with his own mental health problems, and the frank and revealing interview went on to win major accolades, including the Mind ‘Making a Difference’ award as well as ‘Campaign of the Year’ at the British Journalism Awards.

To launch the second series, president of Mind Stephen Fry has spoken to The Telegraph’s Bryony Gordon about his own experiences, how he has learned to manage his own mental health problems and how crucial it is for society to regard the issue with understanding and compassion.

He revealed his concerns about the need to tackle unhappiness in British children, telling Mad World: “One of the most urgent things we face is to confront the fact that we have such unhappy children. We can say but look they’ve got everything – they’ve got iPhones, they’ve got this, they’ve got that. Clearly, we know that can’t be enough. There is something missing and who is it who is not providing what’s missing?”

The podcast is available on and in online stores such as iTunes, on Android as well as on third-party platforms including Apple News.

Bryony Gordon said: “I’m so, so thrilled that Mad World is back for a second series, and that Stephen Fry has agreed to launch it. It’s amazing that a media brand is investing in a serious commitment to mental health. I’m really looking forward to unveiling some more amazing guests who I know will inspire listeners and make them feel less alone.”

Recorded in front of an audience at The Arts Club in London’s Mayfair earlier this week, a total of £8, 250 was raised for Mind.

Notes to editors:

About Changing Minds:

Changing Minds is a Telegraph campaign to raise awareness of mental health issues. We want to tackle the stigma attached to mental health, offer a platform for support and encourage a spirit of self-help between individuals and communities. Together, we can make mental well-being part of the national conversation. Together we can make a difference.

About Mind:

We’re Mind, the mental health charity.

We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We’re here for you. Today. Now. We’re on your doorstep, on the end of a phone or online. Whether you’re stressed, depressed or in crisis. We’ll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner. And we’ll push for a better deal and respect for everyone experiencing a mental health problem.


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