Our Vision is to pioneer new ways to serve subscribers through quality journalism and experiences, forging close connections and building communities of like-minded people

For more than 165 years The Telegraph has been committed to delivering the very best journalism to the widest possible audience.
Established in 1855, our mission was to be the ‘largest and best’ newspaper in the world ‘guided by a high tone of independent action’.
Our motto ‘Was, is and will be’ remains as true today as it did when it first appeared in our pages in 1858.
We are deeply proud of what we have accomplished, proud of what we are and we are ambitious about what we can become. But our long history alone does not guarantee our status as a force for good in British society.
It is our hard-won reputation – with its well-established watchwords of quality, authority and credibility – that help us to stand apart.
We have built a large and loyal audience for whom The Telegraph acts as an anchor in their daily lives
To be part of The Telegraph family is to be informed; it is to be curious; to enjoy life. And to be able to read The Telegraph wherever you are and however you want. At home, at work or on the move.
For 149 years – through world wars and Cold War, revolutions and abdication – The Telegraph, like all other publications, was a simple matter of paper and ink. But in 1994, we became the first British newspaper to embrace digital, with our own website. No one at the time could have predicted how much our industry would change as a result of this development. Few could have foreseen the challenges and opportunities it would present.
Now we publish on the web, for apps, in print. We produce video, audio, dynamic graphic journalism. There are tools and interactives. We publish on a multitude of third-party platforms.
Though print is existential to The Telegraph, the number of readers who pay for our content digitally far outstrips the number who pay to read the newspaper. Our community of subscribers continues to grow, year by year.
Quality journalism – and the trust that comes with it – is the beating heart of our enterprise, the sun around which all our other activities revolve.
Every day the journalism we create sets the news agenda, sparking debate, provoking comment, outrage, satisfaction and amusement. The Telegraph plays a vital role in society, no matter how you consume it.
The Telegraph is for everyone but The Telegraph has certain values. We are right of centre, in support of free markets and deregulation.
We’re in favour of enterprise. The Telegraph supports fair-play, the rule of law and equality of opportunity. But it’s also fun. People enjoy The Telegraph.
To be successful we need an environment that fosters innovation and collaboration. Our company values are that we are fearless and fiercely ambitious, we set the agenda and lead by example.
We develop our thinking through meaningful, stimulating and honest debate. We embrace many perspectives, backgrounds and viewpoints.
But it is incumbent on us to ensure that we continue to thrive, both for our current audience and for generations to come. We must stay true to our values; we must continue to transform our journalism – and its delivery – to ensure that The Telegraph prospers in perpetuity.
We will continue to reinvent our core digital products, to ensure that they best serve our readers. We will expand The Telegraph audience, by growing our reach into new countries, and by greater coverage of subject areas that most interest it.
We will develop our talent, ensuring that they can realise their full potential.
The newsroom will continue to evolve so that developers, data scientists, analysts and engineers sit alongside journalists.
We will demonstrate our value through campaigns, a greater depth and breadth of news analysis, special projects brought to life through visual storytelling, showstopping exclusives published for maximum impact, and initiatives to improve and modernise the way we cover breaking and live events.
We will further our role as our subscribers’ trusted guide. We will help them with critical choices.
We will be the source they turn to for money advice, health advice, or recommendations about how they can enjoy themselves more. We will build intuitive, discoverable resources which will enable our readers to be healthier, wealthier – and have more fun.
At the heart of our promise to our reader is that they will understand the world around them. They will know what has happened, why it happened and what it means for them.
Our readers will continue to be well informed, to be curious. We will help them enjoy a better life.