The Telegraph expands its political team with new editorial promotions and appointments
The Telegraph has announced a new expanded political team, with four new editorial promotions and hires joining its existing operation.
Owen Bennett joins The Telegraph as Whitehall Editor from City A.M, where he was Head of Politics. Owen has worked as a political journalist in Westminster for a range of national newspapers and is the author of three books, including the upcoming biography of Michael Gove.
Amy Jones joins The Telegraph as Political Correspondent from The Sun.
Alongside these new appointments, The Telegraph’s Political Correspondent Anna Mikhailova is promoted to the role of Acting Deputy Political Editor. Additionally, Danielle Sheridan, Assistant News Editor at The Telegraph, joins the Westminster team as Political Correspondent.
These four new appointments join The Telegraph’s existing Westminster reporting team who continue to lead editorial coverage, analysis and commentary on events inside and outside of Parliament including: Political Editor Gordon Rayner, Chief Political Correspondent and presenter of ‘Chopper’s Brexit Podcast’, Christopher Hope and The Telegraph’s Associate Editor Camilla Tominey.
Gordon Rayner, Political Editor, The Telegraph says:
‘The Telegraph has a superb political team who lead on reporting and analysis of events in Westminster and beyond, from the Tory Party leadership race, to Britain leaving the European Union. These new appointments will further enhance our agenda setting political coverage.’
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