Telegraph Media Group (TMG) is committed to advancing sustainable initiatives across the business, as well as encouraging environmentally conscious behaviours in our workplace. We are working closely with partners in print operations, technology and building services to reduce our environmental footprint.
TMG has long been committed to reducing the environmental impact of its newspaper production and the associated supply chain.
All Telegraph newsprint paper is sourced from paper mills which use third-party certified sustainable forest management systems and/or recycled content
TMG is part of a joint distribution agreement with other news organisations, which has seen the removal of approximately 40 trucks per day* from roads.
A continued focus by TMG on lessening print manufacturing and distribution impacts has seen CO2 emissions reduced significantly, with emissions expected to continue to fall.
*Estimate provided by Newsprinters for TMG
The Sunday Telegraph’s printing configuration was changed to include a standalone tabloid features supplement. Additionally, TMG rationalised its magazines from two to one.
December TMG eliminated single use plastics from its printing process by ceasing polybagging of magazine products entirely.
In collaboration with Google, TMG created and used machine learning technology to optimise newspaper circulation, reducing the number of unsold newspapers by 4%, resulting in reduced paper wastage.
The Telegraph optimised the use of printing presses it uses at the print facility in the south of England, saving on electricity and water usage.
The Telegraph newsprint grammage was reduced to a lower grammage paper stock requiring less raw material in the newspaper manufacturing process.
Since 2008 TMG has pioneered the use of cloud computing technologies to support its growth, provide flexibility, improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact.
All TMG digital publishing, all end user computing, all data services, and the majority of enterprise computing services are provided using cloud technologies. The use of ‘elastic’ cloud computing (only using the resources we need at any given time) coupled with the more efficient energy use and more sustainable supply from public cloud providers has resulted in a significant decrease in overall energy consumption.
We continue to collaborate with our tech suppliers and cloud computing partners to further reduce the environmental impact on our computing needs. An example of this is relocating our cloud services to different regions based on three KPIs: sustainability, costs, and performance. We prioritise regions that are greener and more environmentally friendly.
TMG works with tech partners to help drive the automation and standardisation of emissions reporting. We track and aim to reduce emissions from our digital products. Our technology team regularly explores how best to minimise server Cloud capacity usage, to find the most efficient ways of delivering content to our website and apps.
TMG has implemented a number of practical changes to the way advertising operations are carried out, reducing both its own and partner advertisers’ carbon impact.
TMG has reduced its data transfer and carbon generation by stripping back code from the Telegraph website. The site presents just one ad per screen which only loads when it is in view and pauses when it is out of view.
Thanks to The Telegraph’s audience and onsite behaviour data, we are able to accurately target advertising campaigns to the most appropriate readers using only first party data. This minimises the use of carbon from unnecessary data storage and wastage.
TMG endeavours to work with suppliers who are also pushing to reduce the carbon impact of advertising. For example SeenThis, who have enabled the Telegraph to reduce the data transfer of video ad streaming by 35% and lowered CO2e emissions by 11%.
TMG headquarters is a zero landfill building with recycling bins available throughout the office.
TMG is committed to the Victoria Business Improvement District's Quality Air Pledge to reduce congestion and emissions in London Victoria to improve air quality.
All staff are offered the opportunity to partake in a cycle-to-work scheme. On site storage for bikes is available for staff and in addition to this an electric/hybrid car lease scheme is available for staff and folding bicycles can be borrowed for short journeys.
TMG reports its GreenHouse Gas emissions in line with the Government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting requirements.